Skills Dashboard for Students
Evaluation by Design has provided a dashboard of learning experiences and perceptions for identifying “opportunities to learn” skills. This is useful in reporting to funders, program leads, coaches and learners!
As Featured at AECT 2022.
Ravitz, J., Gerry, J. & Heine, C. (2022). A tool for measuring student skills in a successful entrepreneurship curriculum. Paper presented at Annual Meetings of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Las Vegas, NV.
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Survey of 21st century teaching and learning framework & measures
“This teacher survey is available for re-use in studies of 21st century teaching and learning. It has demonstrated excellent reliability, improving on reliable measures from previous studies (std. alpha > .90, inter-item correlations > .58). Support for content validity is based on review of existing frameworks and measures. Support for concurrent validity includes strong relationships to time spent using project-based learning.”
Please cite the Full Report
Hixson, N. , Ravitz J. & Whisman, A. (2012). Extended professional development in project-based learning: Impacts on 21st century teaching and student achievement. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Department of Education. Retrieved from
Full report | Full survey

Widespread Adoption
The original version of this survey was quietly self-published in 2014 as “A survey for measuring 21st century teaching and learning: West Virginia 21st Century Teaching and Learning Survey [WVDE-CIS-28]”. It has since become a #1 Google result of up to 93 million on ResearchGate. Outside the US it has been most popular in Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, India, Canada, Thailand, Hong Kong, Turkey, Indonesia, and Pakistan per (
Toronto (PDF)
Trinity College – EU studies (PDF) with 5 reports
FAQ #1: Are there benchmarks? Yes.
FAQ #2: Is there a student version? Yes, see evolution below, or contact us.
Summary of Results
AERA summary: Using project based learning to teach 21st century skills: Findings from a statewide initiative
Fndings on 21st Century Teaching and Learning West Virginia study presented to the American Educational Research Association.
Edutopia Blog: Math, PBL and 21st Century Learning for All Students
Math teachers and teachers of lower-performing students may have unique challenges for teaching 21st century skills. However, research demonstrates those who use PBL supported by good professional development are much better able than more traditional teachers to teach and develop these skills. This blog shared results of the West Virginia study
Studies using Framework
Toronto District School Board 2015 Study: Survey of 21st Century Teaching and Learning
Toronto, the largest and most diverse school district in Canada, used this framework extensively for their study of Entrepreneurial Thinking and teaching.
Trinity College Dublin: A Series of EU Studies on 21st Century Teaching and Learning
Technical Report (Part 1.1, Para 2)
“The concept of 21C skills aligns with the work of Ravitz et al. (2012), which emphasises a project-based, collaborative, and student-led pedagogic approach in line with the model being developed by TfT. It presents a concise and comprehensive definition of 21C skills, and also provides a validated questionnaire measuring confidence with, and frequency of implementation of, eight specific skills identified as intrinsic to 21C teaching and learning” (p. 4) . . . .with items adapted from the 8 subscales identified by Ravitz et al. (2012)” (p. 6)
Google's Dynamic Learning Project: 21st Century Teaching & Learning Framework
Digital Promise and Google adapted the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Framework for research and coaching for the Dynamic Learning Project. This work focused on teachers’ and students’ impactful technology use, using measures for coaching and research.
- “Sharing Tools” blog
- Year 2 Report & Infographic
- SITE (2020) Paper (w/best paper award) (also AERA & ICLS)
Evaluation by Design wants to help teachers, schools and districts analyze their use of these surveys and rubrics. Please get in touch.